Memorial Stones
by Livingston Memorials
We strive to take great care in producing a lasting memorial that captures the essence of your deceased friend or loved one.
Livingston Memorials is a full-service monument company based in Bristol, Vermont. Our friendly staff can help you find the perfect way to memorialize a friend or loved one.
Memorials, also known as gravestones, headstones or tombstones, come in a wide variety of styles, reflecting different cultural, historical, and artistic influences. The design of gravestones can vary significantly across regions and time periods.
Choose from a wide array of styles, sizes, shapes, and colors, and know that your memories will be honored through superior, lasting craftsmanship.
Remember that cultural and religious practices can influence gravestone styles significantly. As a result, the appearance of gravestones can vary greatly worldwide. Additionally, some cemeteries may have specific regulations or guidelines that influence the design choices available to families.

Our Quality
Livingston Farm is a full-service monument company specializing in personalized granite headstones, benches, and grass marker memorials throughout the state of Vermont and New York. In addition to custom monuments and installing headstones, we offer monument cleaning and restoration.
Our staff can assist you with designing, sizing, and developing a memorial to represent a unique, permanent, and historical record of your loved one. We create your one of a kind tribute out of nothing less than the finest domestic and imported granite.
Our Memorial Delivery & Installment
We’re proud to be one of the largest providers of memorials in the Vermont area. Livingston Farm installs memorials, throughout the state of Vermont and New York. Please call or email us to set up an appointment to design your memorial tribute.
Contact Us
Whether you’re ready to place an order or just have a few questions, give us a call at 802.382.0992 or email us through the form below.